41684 - Grand Hotel in Heartlake City

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  • The LEGO Minecraft training camps is a large detailed and extremely versatile playset that will give hours of interminable pleasure to Minecraft players and to all those who love to build and play with fantasy. A rewarding project project, an exciting game experience e A captivating model to be displayed, this practical Lego Minecraft set is a perfect gift. On the upper floor there is a dojo where the Minecraft warriors train and live. On the lower floor there is a blacksmith's cave equipped with crowds, furnaces, armor support and more with which to make and repair weapons. A trap door operated using a block under the tree connects the 2 floors. This spectacular set is complete with everything: there is even a battle action, thanks to a predatory skeleton. And when you want to change scene, the levels separate and reconfigure to create a new gaming experience.
  • Product code: 5702016916669_01

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