
Decorative sofa cushions give the room a personal touch of style. They enrich the furnishing complements in aesthetics and functionality, offering infinite fabric and colour variations. From patterns to fine fabrics and workmanship, the choice is vast.

Large, small, elegant or contemporary, Coincasa cushions furnish with the energy of colour, adding unique and sophisticated touches: embossed textures, embroideries and fringes, jacquards and laser cuts embellish velvet, linen and cotton and give variety to seating.

Sofa cushions are available in different shapes, sizes and colour palettes. Square or rectangular, large or small, they enhance the living room and make the room cosier by playing with geometry.

With imagination, a sofa cushion also becomes an extra station and furnishes the floor, transforming it into a cosy indoor garden to be devoted to chatting and teaing among flowers, leaves and weaves.

Plain-coloured living room cushions will blend nicely with the half-light or romantic firelight, providing a soft support for relaxation. Embroidered patterns or prints will instead enhance the informal character of the room by playing with light, colour and volume. If a room without a sofa would be empty, a sofa without cushions would not best express the personality of the person living in the house.

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