31119 - Panoramic wheel

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  • Spider-Man fans: No Way Home of Marvel Studios will be able to amaze their friends with Lego Marvel Spider-Man at the Sanctum laboratory. With authentic details, extraordinary accessories and a monstrous insect to be defeated, this set inspires infinite creative game options and allows you to build a magnificent exposure model. The basement dedicated to mystical arts is full of fun objects that will conquer fans of Marvel films e they will inspire infinite creative role -playing games. Here, in fact, incredible tools, bicycles, a game controller, candelabra, a blaster ghetto, a bright mystical stone and many other magical surprises will find. The set includes the minifigures of 4 famous people: Spider-Man, MJ, Wong and Dr. Strange wearing the cloak of Levitation. A monstrous giant insect with manufactureable furniture claws further increases the game options. & Nbsp;
  • Product code: 5702016914160_01

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