71738 - Mach Titano da Battaglia di Zane

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  • It encourages young Ninja fan to recreate the exciting scenes of season 5 of the LEGO® Ninjago® TV series with this Legacy set of the battle of the battle of Zane (71738). Equipped with unnackable legs and arms, a sword and a rotating chainsaw, 2 spring shooter and a cabin for the ninja mini -figure, the children will love this modern update of the original mech. This ninja toy contains 4 minifigures: the ninja zane and jaylegacy plus i 2 ghost warriors Ghoultar and Soul Archer, all equipped with fantastic weapons including arch, arrows and sickle to inspire infinite fun in battle with Ninjago. News of January 2021, Jay Legacy is a special collector's minifigure of collectibles to celebrate the 10 years of the Ninjago sets. Ninjago construction toy toys open a world of exciting adventures for children. Small ninja can collaborate with their heroes to fight a series of bad guys while playing with an extraordinary collection of fantastic toys, including dragons, mechs and temples.
  • Product code: 5702016889697_01

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