75326 - The Boba Fett throne room

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  • My first LEGO® Duplo® time of the bath: Red floating panda (10964) offers game options during the bath to encourage the development of children of preschool age from 18 months in the children will love to play with this tender panda in the water , they will be able to wash it with the bucket, which adapts perfectly to the ring, while the Panda gives itself a swim. A rounded hook allows you to connect the floating ring to the rings of the sets (sold separately)) time of the bath: 3965 floating animal train and/or time of the bath: floating animal island 10966. In addition, the ring opens to facilitate the Rinse and guarantee its hygiene, bath after bath toys Lego Duplo allow parents to share the precious evolutionary stages of their children through fun, self-expression and joyful exploration.
  • Product code: 5702014840027_01

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